Tour the Jewish History Museum – February 24, 2019

Join Pima County Genealogy Society members in a tour of the Jewish Heritage Center of the Southwest. The Museum’s building, which housed the first synagogue in the Arizona Territory, is the oldest synagogue building in the state.

Sunday, February 24
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

564 South Stone Ave
Tucson, AZ

Mosaic of images from the Jewish History Museum.
Jewish History Museum (


Register by clicking Shop in the top menu bar, or by going to this hyperlink: The tour costs $10 per person; all proceeds go to the museum. Attendance is limited to 50 participants. There is no dress code. The museum asks that you do not bring food inside the museum, but drinks are allowed.


When you arrive at the Jewish History Museum campus, you will be greeted by a museum docent who will welcome the group in the courtyard and then take you on a guided visit of both buildings and the outdoor spaces of the campus. You will start in the Jewish History Building which is located in the historic temple–the oldest synagogue in Arizona built in 1910. There will be ample time to explore the new core exhibition in the space called “Meanings Not Yet Imagined” which translates our community’s lived histories into dynamic presentations that illuminate the richness and complexity of the Jewish experience in Southern Arizona.

You will then spend at least 45 minutes next door in the Holocaust History Center which includes an exhibit entitled “The Elements of Genocide” as well as a Contemporary Human Rights exhibit and testimonial theater. The Holocaust History Center shares the lived experiences of the Holocaust survivors who made Southern Arizona their home.


Parking is free on the street in front of the museum. You may wish to arrange carpooling in order to reduce the number of vehicles parked in the street if we fill the tour group.

Date: Sunday, February 24, 2019
Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Jewish History Museum
564 S. Stone Ave.
Tucson, AZ