10 Steps to Better Census Research, Saturday, April 16th

The 1950 Census is avaialble! 1950, here we come! Gena Philibert-Ortega will be speaking at our hybrid meeting and presenting both the Skill Building and Main Program in April.

Your choice: In Person or Virtual. Please register for the Monthly Meeting and let us know if you will be attending on site or via Zoom.

Skill Building: More Than Names and Dates: Social History and Geneaogy

What is social history and what does it have to do with genealogy? Adding social history takes your genealogy from boring facts to a story your family will beg to know. In this presentation, we will look at what is social history and resources that will help you add social history to your genealogical research.

Main Program: 10 Steps to Better Census Research

Think you know everything about the US Census? Most family historians know some of the ins and outs of researching the decennial census, but knowing the census in-depth will make you a better researcher and add richness to your family history research. In this presentation, we will explore how to find that elusive ancestor, where to find more information about the census, and reports that shed light on census information, even those pre-1850 censuses. Learn more about the census so you can use it to create a more in-depth analysis of your ancestor’s life.

Gena Philibert-Ortega is an author, researcher, and instructor whose focus is genealogy, social and women’s history. She holds a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Psychology and Women’s Studies) and a Master’s degree in Religion. Her published works include two books, numerous articles published in magazines and online, as well as six editions of the Tracing Your Ancestors series from Morsehead Publishing. Her writings can be found on her blogs, Gena’s Genealogy and Food.Family.Ephemera as well as the GenealogyBank and Legacy Webinars blogs. She has presented to diverse groups worldwide including the Legacy Family Tree Webinar series. Her current research includes women’s repatriation and citizenship in the 20th century, foodways and community in fundraising cookbooks, and women’s material culture.

Meeting Information

This meeting is from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Arizona time (MST/PDT). All our monthly meetings are free and open to members and non-members alike. Participants both in person and in our virtual Zoom meetings are required to register in advance. After registering, the registrant will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The link to register for the 16 April 2022 meeting is Here!

In Person Location: Truly Nolen Leadership Training Center, 436 S. Williams Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85711

The handout for the  presentations will be available to PCGS members only on our website in the Secure Download area.  Remember to select Members Only to login, navigate to Secure Download in the left navigation panel, then select 2022 Monthly Meeting Handouts.  The handouts will be under April 2022.  Not a member? Go to our website’s Join/Renew page and see how easy it is to join online!

Door Prizes!

All attendees who register by noon Friday prior to the Saturday meeting are eligible for door prizes. You must be present to win.

Zoom registration URL for PCGS April 2022 Monthly Meeting:
