Women’s Relationships and Brick Walls Webinar – Saturday, April 18, 2020


PCGS is using videoconferencing again to broadcast our April 18 meeting so that we can all stay home and still enjoy our genealogical interests. This month’s speaker is Gena Philibert-Ortega who will give us two of her outstanding lectures.

10 Reasons Why You Can’t Find Your Ancestor. We face brick walls in our research for a variety of reasons. In this presentation we’ll explore 10 of those reasons and how you can overcome them.


Wives, Widows, and Spinsters: Documenting Women’s Relationships. Details about women’s lives are found in examining their relationships. What records exist that document relationships to significant others? Learn what records exist that connect a woman to her husband, partner, or significant other, what information the records provide, as well as where these records can be found.

Gena Philibert-Ortega is an author, researcher, and instructor whose focus is genealogy, social and women’s history. She holds a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary StudieGena Philibert-Ortegas (Psychology and Women’s Studies) and a Master’s degree in Religion. Her published works include two books, numerous articles published in magazines and online, two volumes of Tracing Female Ancestors (Moorshead Publishing), and a QuickGuide from Legacy Family Tree. She is the editor of the Utah Genealogical Association’s magazine, Crossroads. Her writings can be found on her blogs, Gena’s Genealogy and Food.Family.Ephemera as well as the GenealogyBank blog. She has presented to diverse groups including the National Genealogical Society Conference, the Alberta Genealogical Society Conference, the Geo-Literary Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Legacy Family Tree Webinar series.  Her research projects include Sowerby’s British Mineralogy: Its Influence on Martha Proby and Others in the Scientific Community during the 19th Century for the Gemological Institute of America, as well as genealogical research for the first season of PBS’s Genealogy Roadshow and the Travel Channel’s Follow Your Past. Her current research includes women’s repatriation and citizenship in the 20th century, foodways and community in fundraising cookbooks, and women’s material culture. 

 Our general meetings are free and open to members and non-members alike and this venue is no different. However, we have implemented some enhanced security measures for our Zoom meetings. Participants are required to register in advance. After registering, the registrant will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The link to register for the April 18 meeting is https://zoom.us/meeting/register/v5EkdOiqpzMsV1-HIbGqbhNZh-GbaKR2ew. The meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. Arizona time (currently PDT).

The handout for Gena’s presentations will be available to PCGS members only on our website in the Secure Download area and the recording will be available to members only in the Videos area. Not a member? Go to our website’s Join/Renew page and see how easy it is to join online!

DISCLAIMER: We are limited to 100 participants, but Zoom does not stop approving registrations when it reaches the 100 mark. A successful registration does not guarantee a seat in the webinar.