Genealogy in Laws & Keys to Genealogy Presentations–Saturday, February 15, 2020

This Saturday Amy Urman will help us find the Hidden Genealogy in the Laws of the Federal and State Governments and Pat Dunford will give us the Three Keys to Successful Genealogy Presentations.

Pat will open the meeting with her short class Three Keys. Putting together a presentation can be a daunting experience. A successful presentation is a well-constructed conversation with fellow genealogical enthusiasts. So, what makes a great presentation? Pat will give us some tips.

zDUNFORD_PatPat Dunford grew up in a family with a family crest. And a castle. And “three brothers who immigrated….” As a budding genealogist, she soon found out that a company in Iowa had provided the crest, that the castle was a wattle and
daub hut, and that the three brothers weren’t even related to each other. This took several decades, of course, and in the meantime, Pat graduated with a degree in Education from (now) Northern Arizona University, worked primarily in staff development and training for state agencies in Arizona, as well as a few community college courses. Before her “retirement” in 2001, she spent several years as a lead “trainer for trainers” utilizing her understanding of adult learning and learners and
presentation planning. Since, she has found that what she learned from her colleagues and her adult students has proven helpful in sharing her genealogy experiences with other genealogists.

After the break, Amy will give her Hidden Genealogy in Laws presentation. This category includes records created by government agencies and commissions as well as records created in response to criminal offenses both large and small. Details can include birth date and place, immigration information, sentence, date and place of trial, and more.

URMAN_AmyAmy Urman is an experienced speaker, Professional Genealogist and Private Investigator. She holds a certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University and the National Genealogical Society American Genealogy Course. She is a graduate of ProGen and serves as a ProGen Coordinator. She has completed intensive training in Forensic Research, Advanced Research Tools: Land Research, The Family History Law Library, Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum, and Corpus Juris: Advanced Legal Concepts for Genealogy. She spent twenty years working in a law office researching and hanging around courthouses prior to striking out on her own. Amy now owns her own Private Investigative agency, Nosy Wilma LLC. She has served in numerous volunteer and leadership positions for several state societies. She is the co-founder and current president of the Pima County Genealogy Society and Vice President of the Grand Canyon APG Chapter.

We will have a special treat for our meeting attendees this month. During our break, the meeting host will demonstrate dowsing for dead relatives.

Non-members are welcome to attend our general meetings as guests. All attendees are eligible for door prizes. The handouts for the presentations are available to PCGS members only on our website in the Secure Download area. Remember to select Members Only to login, then navigate to Secure Download in the left navigation panel.

Can’t make it to the meeting? Don’t despair. Our monthly meetings are recorded and can be accessed by our members via the website. Login to Members Only and click on Videos in the left navigation panel. (Sorry, the dowsing demonstration during the break will not be recorded. You must be present to see it.)

Not a member? Go to our website’s Join/Renew page and see how easy it is to join online!

  DATE: Saturday, February 15, 2020                                     
  TIME: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
  PLACE: Truly Nolen LTC
436 S. Williams Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85711