Gems in the U.S. Census on Saturday, November 20th

Our PCGS November monthly meeting will introduce you to new skills and new research opportunities. Please note, this is our last monthly meeting for 2021.

Skill Building: Bob Black

Trello and PhotoScan

In our skill building session, Bob Black will present an overview of the Trello and PhotoScan apps. Trello can help you manage and keep track of your research on your genealogy projects. It can also facilitate collaboration with your family  and genealogical friends to  move your work forward. PhotoScan is a new scanner app from Google Photos that lets you scan and save your favorite printed photos using your phone’s camera. Adding these tools to your repertoire may help you be more productive and complete in your work.

Bob Black retired in 2015 after a 38-year career in healthcare human resources. He has been volunteering at the Family History Center since 2011 and served as Director from 2014 until early 2019. He currently serves on the PCGS Steering
Committee. He has a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Brigham Young University. When not working on family history, he works two days a week at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Temple on Ina and Skyline and spends as much time as he can with his wife, six children, and fourteen grandchildren.



Featured Speaker: Sherri Hessick

Gems in the U.S. Census

Our main program features Sherri Hessick presenting ” Gems in the U.S. Census”.  The United States has taken a census every ten years since 1790. These census records hold hidden gems for the genealogist if you only know how to interpret them. This lecture will walk you through the questions on each of the censuses and guide you to the next steps in your research.  Digging deeper into the information available to you may help you break down that brick wall!

Sherri Hessick

Sherri Hessick is a genealogy lecturer, writer, and researcher. She volunteers at the Tucson Arizona Family History Center and is a guest speaker at local genealogy clubs. She holds a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University and is a graduate of ProGen. She has completed training in Forensic Genealogy Research, Genetic Genealogy, Native American Research, and Advanced Genealogical Methods. In 2018, Sherri opened her professional genealogy practice, Sherri’s Genealogy Solutions LLC. She is the current President of the Pima County Genealogy Society and serves as the society’s Zoom tech host. Sherri holds memberships in the Association of Professional Genealogists, the Georgia Genealogical Society, the National Genealogical Society, the Utah Genealogical Society, and the Daughters of the American Revolution.


Meeting Information

This meeting is from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Arizona time (MST). All our monthly meetings are free and open to members and non-members alike. However, participants in our virtual Zoom meetings are required to register in advance. After registering, the registrant will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The link to register for the November 20th meeting is Here!

The handout for the  presentations will be available to PCGS members only on our website in the Secure Download area.  Remember to select Members Only to login, navigate to Secure Download in the left navigation panel, then select 2021 Monthly Meeting Handouts.  The handouts will be under November 2021.  Not a member? Go to our website’s Join/Renew page and see how easy it is to join online!

Door Prizes!

All attendees who register by noon Friday prior to the Saturday meeting are eligible for door prizes. Must be present to win.


Zoom registration url for PCGS November Monthly Meeting: