Explore DNA with CeCe Moore

SeminarAnnoun-2Seats are still available for our special full day seminar event Explore DNA with CeCe Moore.

CeCe Moore is the genetic genealogy consultant for the popular PBS television series Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Her work has also been featured on ABC’s 20/20, PBS’ Genealogy Roadshow, Nightline, Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Crime Watch Daily, Nancy Grace, CBS This Morning and The Doctors, as well as being quoted in many online and print publications.
As a leading proponent of genetic genealogy education, CeCe is the co-founder of the Institute for Genetic Genealogy and has written the popular blog Your Genetic Genealogist since 2010. CeCe is considered an innovator in the use of autosomal DNA for genealogy, and is frequently consulted by DNA testing companies, genealogists, adoptees, and the press.
CeCe will be speaking on the following topics:
  • The Power of DNA
  • Autosomal DNA: Discovering Your Ancestors in You
  • Using Mitochondrial DNA and X-DNA for Genealogy Research
  • Jefferson-Hemmings: Revealing the Truth Through DNA

The seminar will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 9 am to 4 pm (check-in begins at 8:30 am) at the fountain of Life Lutheran Church, 710 S. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ. Visit the 2018 DNA Seminar page on our website for details and registration. Registration deadline is February 17, 2018. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from a highly acclaimed genetic genealogist.