A Winter of DNA eConference

We received the following news from the Family History Fanatics:

If any members of the Pima County Genealogy Society are looking for an opportunity to learn more about using your DNA testing for genealogy research, Family History Fanatics will be producing “A Winter of DNA” eConference on January 26th.  Speakers and topics will include:


Tim JanzenMaximizing Your Use of GEDmatch
Richard Hill – Finding Family with DNA Testing: A Genetic Detective Story
Andy LeeDNA Tree Building: What to Do When GEDmatch Matches Don’t Respond
Maurice Gleeson – Using Y-DNA in Your Family Tree Research

The online sessions will begin at 9am Central Time on January 26th. A final panel discussion will end the day.  All registrants will be able to view the conference for 30 daysRegister and get your questions answered by some of the most popular genetic genealogy educators! Presentations are live, not pre-recorded, and you can ask questions throughout.

Price is only $19.99 until January 18th and then it will be $24.99.  Also, we will be having DNA kits and other stuff as door prizes that will be given away.  You don’t have to be present to win, but you do have to register.

More information is available on the website: https://www.familyhistoryfanatics.com/winterdna

Feel free to let any friends, family, or genealogy society members (or anyone else who may be interested) know about this great opportunity.