15 Minutes a Day and Eastern European Resources: Saturday, September 18th

I always think of September as the real start of the year. With the kids back in school and waking up to beautiful mornings that are just a little cooler, it’s just the right time to think about your family history goals, how you want to stay on track, and how exciting it is to learn something new. Our Pima County Genealogy Society September Monthly Meeting is sure to inspire you!

Family History in 15 Minutes a Day

To begin our session, April Hale will present “Family History in 15 Minutes a Day.” This session will include ideas for how to integrate genealogy into your daily routine. We will discuss how simple, daily tasks can result in the completion of big projects and improve the accuracy of your research. Even when you don’t have a large block of time to devote to your family work, these ideas will help you move forward with your genealogy goals.

April HaleApril Hale is a middle school history teacher who dabbles in family history work. She has a Master’s in History with an emphasis in education. She currently teaches for ASU Prep Digital. April enjoys attending genealogy conferences and lectures but does not have any special certifications. She is an Army wife, mother to four, soon to be grandmother, and dog mom to two of the cutest dogs in the world.  We are thrilled and fortunate that April volunteers to share her expertise and knowledge with Pima County Genealogy Society members.



Resources for Eastern European Research

Our main program features Moreen Ferdie with “Resources for Eastern European Research.” The countries of Eastern Europe cover a large geographic area, and countries vary depending on what definition one is reading. We will look at various countries that are considered culturally and geographically in this area. We will learn resources both on the internet, as well as books, maps, and additional resources that can be used to learn more about our ancestors.

Moreen Ferdie, PLCGS is a graduate of the National Institute for Genealogical Studies in American Records, Methodology  and Eastern European Records. Moreen has been researching her family history for a number of years. For the last 2 years, she has been the Vice President of Education for the Southern Arizona Genealogical Society (SAGS). Moreen planned the educational opportunities for SAGS. These educational opportunities included Special Interest Groups, classes, workshops, field trips, and other endeavors. This past year she led several of the Special Interest Groups via Zoom.



PCGS September Monthly Meeting

Saturday, September 18, 2021

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

The Meeting Host is Bob Black. (Thank you)

Registration for the Zoom Meeting is HERE.

Our monthly meetings are from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Arizona time (MST). They are free and open to members and non-members alike. However, participants in our virtual Zoom meetings are required to register in advance. After registering, the registrant will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The link to register for the September 18 meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErcemgpz8jEtAZbiXyyUlsv52nahBk1G7N

The handouts for both lectures are available to PCGS members only on our website in the Secure Download area and the recording of the meeting will be available to members only under Videos: Monthly Meetings area. Not a member? Go to our website’s Join/Renew page and see how easy it is to join online!

DISCLAIMER: We are limited to 100 participants, but Zoom does not stop approving registrations when it reaches the 100 mark. A successful registration does not guarantee a seat in the meeting.